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birkenstock bag

birkenstock bag

$ 465

Product details

These are professional pictures of the actual item [birkenstock bag] offered by wwwsilverandsaltboston.

Condition:If you buy these fake items, you're supporting slavery. If people in the West get up in arms about Nike or Gap sweatshops or fast fashion, . and yet people bend over backward trying to justify buying them because they want the status of the designer bag. Reply replyTo spot a fake bag, inspect the interior “Supreme” label.Fake bags often have their letters too thin or too thick, while real ones have the same . See more
Accessories: Dust Bag
Measurements: Handle Drop 71. Height 89. Width 48. Depth 47
Designer: Bottega Veneta
Model: birkenstock bag
Exterior Material: Leather
Exterior Color: Red
Interior Material: Leather
Interior Color: Red
Hardware Color: Gold
Item Number: Z13104

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